Is Poshmark the best place to sell clothes

Is Poshmark the Best Place to Sell Clothes online?

Poshmark is certainly one of the popular options for selling clothes online, but whether it’s the “best” place depends on your specific needs and preferences. Let’s go over some key features of Poshmark to help you decide if your specific needs make it the best place to sell clothes online.

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How to List an Item on Poshmark

Poshmark makes listing your clothes on their online platform very easily! It can literally take less than a minute to list something if you’re taking photos if your clothes and you know the details of what you’re selling. At the bottom center of the Poshmark app you’ll find the sell button. By clicking that you’re guided through a total of five screens to list your item! The first set of screens is where you select your photo(s) for your listing. You can either take your own photo OR you can select an already existing photo on your phone by clicking on the picture icon at the bottom left of the first screen below.

You’ll then crop, rotate and add any filters to your pictures. Here you can also select which photo will be your cover photo for your listing.

Next, you’re asked to fill in some basic info your your listing such as a title, a description, sizing, color and the price you want to list it at. Finally you’re asked whether you’d like to share your listing on any linked social media accounts. And that’s pretty much it! You get the hang of this process after uploading a few products.

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It’s social aspect really helps drive sales

Poshmark has a large user base and offers a relatively easy-to-use platform for selling both new and used clothing items. Its social aspect, where users can follow each other and share listings, can also help boost visibility for your items.

Poshmark’s social aspect is one of its key features that sets it apart from other online selling platforms. Here’s how it works and how it can help make selling on Poshmark more effective:


Users can follow other users whose style they like or who sell items they’re interested in. When you follow someone, their listings will show up in your feed, making it easier to discover new items.

How does this help you drive sales? Well, the more followers you have the larger your audience when you share listings (either your own or others) and also if you decide to lower the price of one or more of your listings, you can share this with your followers. They’ll receive a notification and can take action on your lower priced items. It is really tempting for your followers to want to purchase your clothes when you discount them especially if they’ve had them in their favorites for a while and have been waiting for a price drop!

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You can share your own listings as well as listings from other users to your followers. This helps increase visibility for items, as shared listings appear in the feeds of your followers.

How does this help you drive sales? This gives you increased visibility when you share your listings as they appear at the top of the feed of your followers and may also be seen by others browsing the platform. This increased visibility can lead to more views and potential buyers for your items.

In addition, sharing your listings demonstrates to potential buyers that you are actively engaged on the platform and committed to selling your items. This can help build trust and credibility, making buyers more likely to purchase from you. Sharing other users’ listings and participating in Poshmark parties fosters a sense of community on the platform. By engaging with other users and their listings, you increase the likelihood that they will reciprocate and share your listings in return.

Poshmark’s algorithm takes into account factors such as listing activity and engagement when determining which listings to prioritize in search results and users’ feeds. By consistently sharing your listings and engaging with the community, you may improve your visibility within the algorithm.

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Poshmark hosts virtual “parties” within the app where users can share listings that fit a specific theme or category, such as “Women’s Accessories” or “Designer Handbags.” Participating in these parties can help sellers reach a larger audience interested in their items.

How does this help you drive sales? Parties on Poshmark are like network opportunities that get announced to a wider group of buyers. Its curated to a specific type of listing(s) so buyers who are looking for that particular item are going to want to check them out!

And once again Poshmark’s algorithm will help boost your listings, now in addition to a more targeted audience. Participating in parties and sharing your listings can signal to the algorithm that your items are relevant and desirable, potentially boosting their visibility within the platform.

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Likes and Comments

Users can like and comment on listings, which can help generate interest and engagement. Sellers can engage with potential buyers by responding to comments and offering additional information about the items.

How does this help you drive sales? If you receive questions or comments on your listings asking for more details or clarification, it’s in your best interest to respond as soon as possible! Buyers who comment are likely very interested in purchasing and just want to clarify on, perhaps, measurements, before hitting that buy button. So the longer you take to respond (or not respond at all), the more likely that buyer has moved on to another item.

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Bundle Offers

Poshmark allows buyers to bundle multiple items from a single seller into one purchase. Sellers can offer discounts or special deals on bundled items, encouraging buyers to purchase more and increasing sales. You as a seller can also create bundles for buyers and offer them a discounted prices specifically for them. This is especially useful if you’ve noticed that they have liked multiple listings from your Poshmark closet.

How does this help you drive sales? People love a deal. If you can bundle clothes and offer a discount it saves them money on having to pay shipping if each item was bought individually. This also helps you as well since you now make fewer trips to the post office!

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Costs to List on Poshmark

Listing items on Poshmark is free! You can create listings for your clothing items at no cost. However, Poshmark does charge a fee when a sale is made.

The fee structure for Poshmark is straightforward:

  • For sales under $15, Poshmark takes a flat commission of $2.95.
  • For sales of $15 or more, Poshmark takes a commission of 20% of the sale price.

For example, if you sell an item for $20, Poshmark’s commission would be $4 (20% of $20), and you would receive $16 from the sale.

It’s important to factor in these fees when setting your prices on Poshmark to ensure you’re still making a profit after the commission is deducted. Personally I think these fees are very reasonable considering you are not paying for shipping labels when you sell your clothes.

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Is Poshmark the right fit for you?

Whether selling on Poshmark is the best option for you hinges on several factors. Your success on the platform will largely depend on how engaged you are and how much you utilize its features, such as sharing, participating in parties, and engaging with the community.

Popular brands typically perform well on Poshmark, and designer or expensive clothing items tend to attract buyers.

The 20% commission Poshmark charges may seem steep at first, but it’s important to consider that this fee includes shipping costs, making it reasonable for many sellers. Additionally, Poshmark offers robust seller protection, which can provide peace of mind when conducting transactions.

Ultimately, if you’re willing to invest time and effort into being an active seller on Poshmark, especially if you specialize in popular or high-end brands, it could be a lucrative platform for you. Give it a try and happy Poshing!

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